The story of the Ryu Sasakura and Eden Hall, a small cocktail bar in the Chiba area of Tokyo, where troubled customers come for the glass of the gods, which with Ryu s assistance helps them to resolve their often highly emotional problems.
Source: mangareader
Overall, this manga captured my attention with its gentle and touching, laid-back stories without any frustrating, teeth-gritting cliffhangers. It's a well-balanced story with enough comedy and romance, some adventure, and deep stories. Also, the history of cocktails featured with every drink served is a great addition to the storyline, having customers relate to the cocktail stories. Not to mention, unlike many other stories, the protagonist is portrayed as a humble, kind-hearted person who, as a bartender, strives for his customer's happiness once they step through the door.
So far, there are only 61 chapters. I got a feeling this will end soon :(
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